As You Can See 40″ x 54″ Oil on Canvas
From my dream, I had forgotten about all of this-myself 40″ x 30″ Oil on Canvas
Rose is a rose is a rose 40″ x 40″ Oil on Canvas
Dream Within Dream 40″ x 40″ Oil on Canvas
Roots 12″ x 12″ Oil on Panel

BETWIXT & BETWEEN utilizes ornamentation and my own body to bridge intangible consciousness and tangible beauty. In my paintings, my form is altered through the addition of ornamental patterns, becoming a visual manifestation of my inner being and spirit. These works reveal an individual’s ability to adapt to their surroundings. Throughout the process of fusing my physical form with various patterns, I am relating European culture to Chinese culture and examining the impact of this environmental change on my identity. The changing patterns are tangible, and they also represent the attendant cultural philosophies. Multi-national patterns and my figure are intertwined in my work as if I existed in both Eastern and Western cultures. I am not truly part of American culture and am slowly disconnecting from the current Chinese culture. I have become an independent, in-between being.